Jessica Kilby - Full Stack Software Developer

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Front-End Capstone

Front-end capstone project is an app that enables you to store your personal library using firebase. I used HTML, CSS, SCSS, Javascipt, AngularJS and Google Books API.

Back-End Capstone

Back-end capstone project is an app that enables you to keep track of to do items that don't come around very often using Microsoft SQL database. I used HTML, CSS, SCSS, Javascipt, AngularJS, C#, ASP.NET Web API and Google Calendar API.

"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow." -Anthony J. D'Angelo
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About Me

Science and technology has always been a passion of mine because it can transform people’s lives and make them better. That is what motivated me for over 11 years as a Medical Laboratory Scientist III. As time passed, I found myself wanting to try something completely new. Then I came to meet the world of computer programming. I started taking online programming and computer science courses through Udemy, Codecademy, and Grantham University. I was faced with a dilemma. Should I continue with my current career where I am secure, or take a risk and really dive into software development?
I decided to take the leap and my first step into making it a reality was joining the Nashville Software School. In a one year, part-time, intensive training program I became more confident and determined in my choice. It gave me the courage to follow through on my decision and now I am ready to start a new journey in my life.

"Opportunities don't happen, you create them." -Chris Grosser
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